THE 3 Different Words of God – Vlog

THE 3 Different Words of God – Vlog

In this vlog, you’ll learn about “our daily bread” – ingredients to complete our assignment… the Graphe Word, the Logos Word, and the Rhēma Word.

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In this video, we are going to break down the different Words of God. Let’s talk about Graphe Word, Logos Word, and the Rhema Word.

In the Holy Bible, the terms “grapha,” “logos,” and “rayma” are often used to convey different aspects of God’s word and communication with humanity.

Let’s explore these concepts with relevant scripture references.

First up, let’s talk about Graphe Word:

Graphe refers to the written or inscribed word of God, which includes the Scriptures or the written text of the Bible itself.

It encompasses the Old Testament and the New Testament, where God’s eternal truths and His plan for salvation are recorded.

Check out this Scripture Reference: 2Timothy 3:16-17. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

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Next up, let’s talk about Logos Word.

Logos represents the divine, living Word of God, which is Jesus Christ Himself. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is referred to as the Logos, emphasizing His role as the embodiment of God’s communication and wisdom. Logos encompasses not only the written word but also the living revelation of God. Check out this Scripture Reference: John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Last up is the third way God speaks to us.

Last up is Rhēma Word:

Rhema signifies the spoken or revealed word of God, often in a specific context or moment of divine communication. It’s when God’s Word comes alive and personally speaks to an individual, providing guidance, comfort, or direction.

Here’s a good Scripture Reference: Matthew 4:4

Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

So, to tie it all together, while “grapha” refers to the written Scriptures, “logos” represents the living Word of God in Jesus Christ, and “rayma” signifies the spoken or revealed word of God in specific situations.

Together, they demonstrate the multifaceted nature of God’s communication with humanity, emphasizing both the timeless truths recorded in the Bible and the personal, living relationship we can have with God through His Word.

Maybe He told you that she is the one to marry. Or maybe He told you to block that guy’s phone number, and now you are celebrating 20 beautiful years with the man of your dreams.

Amen! Always remember that when you live a Matthew 6:33 life, God is able to anoint you with a Jeremiah 29:11 blessing.

Well, I hope and pray you now read your Holy Bible with new eyes, and hear the Rayma Word with new ears. For help discovering the purpose God has planned for you, and to start on that journey, contact us today to learn about our Kingdom Life and Business Coaching programs.

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Let us touch and agree with you In Jesus’ name. Amen! Maybe you are looking for a bit more support than prayer. Have you considered Kingdom Coaching?

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Until next time… Be awesome and be blessed!
By The Book Coaching

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